This is my 3rd game for the 20 game challenge! 
It is a clone of the Atari2600 game River Raid
id say this is my first "game" as the previous entries feel like mini projects, if you encounter any bugs, or see some things i should have done better / differently please let me know because my approach on this challenge is to learn as much as i can :)

Hope you enjoy, Triss.exe <3


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Actually good one! Good luck with challenge. I’ve done first 2 games from it like in 3 days and stuck on this one for too long :D

thankyouu! I did the exact same >.< flew through the first 2 then spend like 2 weeks on this one heh

Best of luck with your challenge too!! 😊

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Ok, that art is incredible! I love the way the bridges crumble when you shoot them, super satisfying :)

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Thankyouu!! I really apreciate that! 😊